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200 Club History & Achievements
Information to follow

200 Club Rules
1. The minimum monthly payment amount payable annually is £12, due on the 25th January.

2. Their is no limit on the number of tickets members may have. 

3. There will be one annual draw which takes place at the AGM of the Parish Hall comittee or at such event as the committee may decide. 

4. Any member who pays less than £12 in any one yeat draw peroid will be deemed tohave donated their payment and will not be entiteled to participate in the annual prize draw. 

5. Payments to the 200 club draw will be credited to an interest paying account and all interest earned will be used for the benefit of the Parish Hall. 
6. Any one ticket will only entitled to one prize per annual draw. 

7. Fifty percent of the annual payments will be distributed in prize money (Except as indicated in rule 4 as follows:
1st prize 33% £244.50
2nd prize 25% £185.25
3rd prize 20% £148.20
4th prize 15% £111.15
5th prize 7% £51.90
The amounts indicated above represent the prize money won at the 2023 AGM.
Please note amounts can go up as
well as down!

8. Any dispute arising under the rules shall be decided by the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer of Chelford Parish Hall Committee or if they, or any of them are not available at the tie of the annual draw, by three members of the committee

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